Thursday, December 3, 2015

Rat in Your Cabin filter? A quick word!

Okay so along the lines of just good car wisdom, we know to change our oil, check our tires, look at the air filter every so often. One hugely neglected piece of your car, also very personal piece. You interior cabin filter..... Oh yes if your driving something 2010 or newer it most likely has one. This is a great item, if kept up. If not, it becomes like a stinky sock or worse. 

The cabin filter is typically located behind your glove box, it is designed to filter the air you put through the a/c system. This also means the air you put through the defrost in most models.

Why am I blogging about this little item, well yesterday a vehicle presented with a strange noise and a bad odor, this sometimes happens so nothing to exciting yet, then removed the glove box and the filter cover and the filter and find what is left of a RAT! yes I said RAT. Folks rodents love your car, it is warm (most of the time) it is full of tasty wires, crevices, and most of all nesting material and areas. 

Please have your cabin filter checked, and replaced if needed or get on youtube and do it yourself. They typically last 15k to 20k if not rodent infested, run between 20 and 60 bucks. This can really change the driving experience, and who wants to breath in rat poop or worse decomposing rat.

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